Elvis - The Concert database and search facility 1954 - 1961

"You have to put on a show in order to draw a crowd. If I just stood out there and sang and never moved a muscle, the people will say, 'Oh my goodness, I could stay home and listen to his records.'"
Elvis - The concert database and search facility 1954 - 1961

"I, I just missed it, I, I-er, missed the ah, the ah, the closeness of a, of an audience, of a live audience."
Elvis - The concert database and search facility 1969 - 1977

"I gotta explain to you something. We had to learn some fifty songs for the show. We were supposed to learn fifty songs.... we only learned five. So we were short about forty five songs. Anyway, this is one we don't know.."
Elvis - The rehearsal database and search facility 1969 - 1977
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Elvis - The Concert database and search facility 1954 - 1961

Post by Graeme » Fri Dec 30, 2016 5:58 pm

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The songs stored in the database are only those where we have audio verification on a release.
Other forms of verification will be considered and entered soon.

You can search using up to 3 different song titles combining it with AND / OR

The menu options for the second and third song appear after the preceeding one has been selected, so choose a song from the first menu and then the second menu appears, select a song from that and then the third menu appears.

For example a search of 1 song title, Heartbreak Hotel, returns 7 concert results
A search for Heartbreak Hotel OR Love Me Tender returns 8 concert results.
But search for Heartbreak Hotel AND Love Me Tender and it returns 2 concert results.

If you do a search using three titles the search program is designed to sort any "AND" out first before applying the "OR" parameter.
So if you searched for Heartbreak Hotel OR Love Me Tender AND Hound Dog it would sort it out thus:
Heartbreak Hotel OR (Love Me Tender AND Hound Dog)
So any shows that have Heartbreak Hotel along with any shows where both Love Me Tender AND Hound Dog were sung would be returned in the search results.


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